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Title: God Bless America

Style: Traditional

Composer: Traditional - Arranger: Russ Weaver - Grade: 3 - Instrumentation: Jazz Band + Chorus or Soloist

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     This is an arrangement that is for Veteran's Day productions that features your school chorus (or not) singing the first time through and a crowd participation section for the second time through. Works well as a closer for your American Veterans Day or Memorial Day productions. If there is no choir available a vocal soloist works as well as a simply instrumental offering. Bring plenty of hand held American Flags for this one. Use the standard vocal arrangement found in any HS choral textbook, verse chorus format and add repeats for additional verses.

Title: Mille Regretz (Jazz Warmup)

Style: Swing/Classical

Composer: Josquin - Arranger: Russ Weaver - Grade: 2.5 - Instrumentation: Standard Jazz Band

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     Mille Regretz is a faithful transcription of a Renaissance piece by Josquin. I have always felt that the harmonies in the Renaissance were "jazzy" sounding and with a swing groove it really works as a wonderful jazz band warm-up piece. The reason I arranged it was that I warm my concert band up with chorales and really wanted a chorale offering for jazz band. Feel free to remove the drums from the 2nd half and play it straight just like a concert band warm-up! This is one the Students love to perform. 2 minutes.

Title: The Orff Instruments

Style: Lyrical

Composer: Russ Weaver - Arranger: Russ Weaver - Grade: 2 - Instrumentation: Orff Ensemble + Chorus

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     This is a piece for Orff Ensemble that introduces each of the Orff Instruments to the audience via the Chorus. Simple and strong percussion forms the base for this exciting Orff journey. Level I Orff training is recommended to teach this piece properly, but not required. The sound file is a MIDI file so the vocals are all "oo's" , the real piece has lyrics. Written for Debbie Fahmie and the Falcon Forte at Cypress Elementary School in Kissimmee, Florida. The Guitar part may be played on keyboard or piano.

Title: Fanfare 1 in F

Lyrical: Standard Fanfare

Composer: Russ Weaver - Arranger: Russ Weaver - Grade: 2 - Instrumentation: 3/6/9 trumpets

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     Here's a fanfare that works for younger players. Top goes up to G above the staff once. Use this to announce your administrators, school board members, dignitaries, yourself or your band! Have fun with live music again. If you like this free one, we have more, contact us.

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